Thursday, February 20, 2014

Battlefield 4 Review

Battlefield 4 was the next game in the fps series with the best multiplayer, Battlefield. Battlefield 4 used the all new frostbite 3 engine which was absolutely beautiful on the Xbox one. It had the long awaited 32 v 32 multiplayer that is so epic. As we all know Battlefield destroys Call of Duty in a comparison and it surely did once more because of all the new vehicles, weapons, and the actually somewhat alright campaign. Battlefield 3's campaign was just terrible I couldn't even stand to see it in the menu, but Battlefield 4 some how did alright with this one. The campaigns story's pretty stupid, its about the Russians, Americans, and Chinese in one massive war, which would probably never happen. Although the story is stupid I did enjoy the combat and over all missions, it felt more multiplayer then campaign which isn't a bad thing. Just like Battlefield 3 you can do some pretty awesome stuff in Battlefield 4, like one time I destroyed a helicopter with a grenade launcher, which is always cool. Ranking up is kind of difficult I find it harder than  Battlefield 3, but that still doesn't stop you from finding those guys who are like level 100 and amazing at the game. There is one thing I found kind of difficult and that is playing the game with friends, In Battlefield 3 you could just invite them from the start menu and they would join your queue but now you have to do something else that I can't explain because I don't understand it. Overall the game is a lot like Battlefield 3 just with new maps, weapons, vehicles and amount of players. It is very good though and I recommend buying it if your one for awesome multiplayer. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think of Battlefield 4. 

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