Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ryse Son Of Rome Review

Ryse Son Of Rome was the first game I ever played for my Xbox One and probably my favorite in the way of graphics at least. Ryse Son Of Rome was an Xbox One launch game, it was made by Microsoft Studios. The graphics of Ryse Son Of Rome are the best graphics I have ever seen on a console. The story of the game was actually quite interesting it was told by a series of flashbacks of the roman general Marius Titus. The game sadly was not all great, I hope you are not looking for it to be educational in a way because it is not, the people down at Microsoft could not get their facts straight. For example they showed that one of emperor Nero's sons was Commodus and that is in fact untrue. I was also somewhat dissapointed with some missions, most of them you fought solo but occasionally you would get some guys that died in one hit which I was very strange because I was hoping to fight in massive battles, considering that it was a new game on probably the most high tech gaming console in the world. The game can be a little bit buggy but it is rare that that will happen. The game actually did include a multiplayer feature which is the arena mode where you can kill barbarians and do other things it tells you to do with a friend or random person of the internet but it is difficult to find a game. So overall the game is very good for a "hack and slash" but has its problems I recommend that you get this game when it is about 20-30 dollars its not exactly worth 60. Please leave a comment and tell me what you thought of the game.

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