Saturday, February 8, 2014

A heartbroken X-series fan

I am very upset to hear about X3 Rebirth's status. I was going to buy the game the day it came out and have another great X experience. The reviews say otherwise. I wont be buying this game for a while. Apparently its glitchy, has bad performance even on some of the best machines around, and is simply too dumbed down. What people expected was another complex space simulator with a full economy that actually works. I quote from the steam user "kraed sandwich" because he had the most helpful review. He said "More than 99% of ships (this is not an exaggeration) circle around stations in an endless loop, all caught up in a slow moving pointless traffic jam. They aren't going anywhere, have no goals and just keep doing this loop forever. The other ~1% seem to spawn next to stations then despawn when they are leaving them, never actually travelling to/from anywhere." I dont know about you, but I am not very happy to hear this about a game that is supposed to feature a "fully simulated economy". In the end I dont think their frequent updating is going to matter because its not the bugs that make this game suck, its the game mechanics that were supposed to be in the game from the beginning that make this game suck. If i'm this disappointed and dont even have the game, then I cant imagine how they feel about all this at Egosoft. I hope the next game is better, if Egosoft lives to create that.  

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