Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Left 4 Dead vs. Dead Rising

Left 4 Dead and Dead Rising happen to be very difficult to compare because of the fact that Left 4 Dead is a first person mission by mission game and Dead Rising is a third person free-roam game but it is still possible. Left 4 Dead offers you a very good amount of zombie action and also a great multiplayer experience. Left 4 Dead is a mission by mission game that you can do online, by yourself or with a friend on co-op. Left 4 Dead is epic and full of action because the zombies can run so they are alot faster than you are. Dead Rising is a third person game where you can run around a mall or a casino doing missions or just plain old having fun. In Dead Rising almost all items are weapons so don't be afraid to kick a soccer ball in a zombies face. Dead Rising has no multiplayer so that's a negative but its campaign is long and has the most re-playable value. Dead Rising also allows you to build your own weapons and but different clothes on your character. One thing that Left 4 Dead has that Dead Rising doesn't is different kinds of zombies such as tanks, smoker and other strange things and each have there own unique ability. Both offer a huge amount of zombie slaughter so i'm going to have to say its a tie. Please post comments and who you think should have won. Thank you.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

5 Great Movies/TV Shows That Produced Horrible Video Games

Today I am going to show you 5 of the best movies/TV shows that ended up getting there own video game and having it be horrible. On most of these you will agree with me.

1. The Lord Of The Rings
Lord of The Rings is probably the most famous fantasy movie series of all time. But it produced some horrible video games such as Lord of The Rings Conquest. Lotr Conquest had the potential to be great because of the massive battles and long campaign. But what Lotr Conquest messed up the most in was death because after you died three times, game over which means you have to start the whole level over. Lotr Conquest does have good co-op but after about 20 min you can't stand it any more. Lotr Conquest does get unbelievably repetitive because there's a boss at the end of every mission that never gets harder and also the AI enjoys getting stabbed to death. Another interesting thing that Lotr Conquest actually does add is the ability to play as the humans and the orcs which is cool but the levels aren't that different. Now lets move on to Lotr War in the North, Lotr War in the North wasn't bad because its very time consuming and you can have a lot of fun with the gore system. Although Lotr War in the North is very repetitive as well as Lotr Conquest. Both the games I mentioned are not bad games but could be better, there are also alot more Lotr games but those are just the ones that i found the worst.

2. Star Wars
Most Star Wars  games were spectacular but there's one I didn't find very good and that's Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2. Star Wars The Force Unleashed is a sequel to the original Force Unleashed, The original Force Unleashed was a great game. But the 2nd Force Unleashed I did not like. The 2nd Force Unleashed was short, I think the story made no sense at all and it was too easy. There were only 4 main missions which reminds me of the game Home Front that was too short also. I could barely understand the story at all, some how the guy you play as is a clone of the original guy? Being a Sith Lord basically means that storm troopers have no chance in fighting so why send them in because each one takes two hits and loses all their limbs. Almost all Star Wars games are great except for this one, the great ones are Republic Commando, Battlefront 2 and the new Knights of the Old Republic MMO.

3. Terminator
Just about all terminator games were pretty bad but i'm going to talk about the most recent and that is Terminator Salvation which I thought was not bad but alot of people would disagree with me on that statement. When I played Terminator Salvation the graphics were bad and the AI was pathetic but the cover system made me feel like i was playing Gears of War. It had some good action and heavy fire situations but eventually it would get very repetitive. Terminator Salvation also did have a hard to understand story line because I couldn't tell if it had anything to do with the movie. Terminator Salvation wasn't bad but could be better.

4. Defiance
I have never seen the Defiance TV show so I can't tell you much about the story but i'm pretty sure it has almost nothing to do with the show. Defiance is extremely repetitive because the enemy never gets any harder and neither do the quests. Defiance is one of the very few MMO's for the consoles. But sometimes doing a mission could cause extreme lag and an unbelievable amount of bullet rain. Defiance is not bad but lacks in a few categories.

5. The Walking Dead
When I got the joy of playing The Walking Dead Survival Instinct I wanted to throw up it was so bad. The Zombies are incredibly stupid and enjoy getting stabbed in the face. The maps never change and the allied AI is just as stupid as the zombies. Its really depressing seeing a great TV series turned into a horrible video game. The Walking Dead Survival Instinct is probably the worst I mentioned out of all of these.

Most of the games are bad but some better than others you can buy them at your own risk but don't say I didn't warn you. Please post comments and tell me which game you think is the worst out of all of these. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

5 Games That Are So Awesome That They get There Own Movies

Movies based off of videogames are always so awesome and amazing because they usually contain all the different things that happened in that particular video game. Today I am going to show you the 5 games that have their own movies.

1. Halo

Halo is just so awesome and has such a great story line that it deserves its own movie. So the movie that came out for Halo was Halo Legends and Halo Legends was mostly anime but occasionally it would switch over to regular cartoon. Halo Legends is very good and it adds some backstory to the Halo universe, if you like Halo and anime movies Halo Legends is definitely for you. Halo also produced a small YouTube TV show called Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn this whole show was a real people show so that made it more interesting. Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn came out on disc right about the time Halo 4 came out so its a good thing to get if you liked Halo 4. Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn's special effects and slow motion was pretty impressive for a small YouTube series.

2. Assassins Creed

I could be mistaken but I do believe there is an Assassins Creed movie called Assassins Creed Lineage. Be aware I have not seen this movie before but I know it exists. What I do know is that Assassins Creed Lineage is a prequel movie to the Assassins Creed franchise so if you're looking for a little backstory to the assassins this is your movie

3. Doom
Doom was based off of a very old game released on some of the oldest consoles ever built and it was incredibly popular. The Doom movie was filled with gore, swearing and nudity which made it very awesome. In the Doom movie the team fights zombies and some strange other things.  I highly recommend watching the Doom movie if you love the classical video game.
4. Farcry
I have never played the original Farcry game but I am pretty sure that the movie is based off of it. The movie had some hardcore action and a some what humorous story at least I found it to be humorous. The Farcry movie can be found on Netflix so I recommend it to people who like the Farcry video game .
5. Dead Space
Dead Space happens to be in a lot of the top 5 categories so I guess it must be pretty popular. There are 2 Dead Space movies each is a cartoon but each filled with extreme gore and a lot of swearing and it is very entertaining. The first one Dead Space Downfall is a good movie that tells the backstory of the first game. I believe Dead Space Aftermath is based off of the first game I have never seen it that is why I don't know. Both movies can be found on Netflix so check them out if you like Dead Space.
All these movies are great (Are you kidding me they're based off of video games of course their great) so I recommend watching all of them. Please post comments and what video game movies are your favorite.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Another cool New Vegas mod

When I was deciding a title for this post I wasn't sure if I would call this mod a Fallout New Vegas mod or a Fallout 3 mod (it is technically a New Vegas mod because it uses the New Vegas engine). What it does is fuses the two games together to make one game.You can get to the Mojave wasteland from the Capitol wasteland. If you think it would be boring because you would reach the level cap, then you would be suprised. The game comes with a plugin for experience reduction. It makes you gain half the experience you would normally get, hence double the playtime. If you have ever heard of a reqium for the Capitol wastland, it is very similar. Reqium for the Capitol wastland was taken down from nexus mods because of a misunderstanding on Betheseda's website. The new mod is called a Tale of two Wastlands and can be found at

Be aware though the mod is still in alpha.
Anything can happen. I think I will wait on this one. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Are Video Game's Today Getting too Easy

These day’s video games have been getting very simple in the campaign. What ever happened to three lives and game over. Today I am going to show you five reasons why video games are getting too easy.

1.       In some video games like Call of Duty they have allowed an in-game difficulty change from the start menu. So if there’s a hard part no problem just switch it to easy and you’ll do just fine. If you’re going to beat a game fair keep it at the same difficulty the whole time.

2.       Games are also allowing more co-op things like in Halo where you can do a co-op campaign, this isn’t a bad thing but it can still prove to make the game too easy. Such as if you can’t get past a level why not just call in your friends that are better than you and just finish the job.

3.       Most games have also gotten of the health bar which means when you get shot you can just automatically heal yourself when you’re in cover like in Call of Duty. Battlefield does contain the health bar but your health still will regenerate without a health pack (you heal faster with a health pack). Halo was the only game I have played in a while that you have to find a health pack to heal yourself; the shields will regenerate, just not your initial health.

4.       Games have also started to allow perks which let you see through walls to find where the enemy is. Such as in Halo it is promethean vision that lets you see through walls.

5.       Games also have equipment and kill streak rewards that allow you to see through walls. In Call of Duty there is a sight that allows you to know where the enemy is inside a building. In Medal of Honor Warfighter you can get a kill streak reward that allows you to see through walls, it may be a kill streak reward but it is still unneeded.

So know you see that games today are just getting too easy it could be because the companies that made the game want you to get your money’s worth, which is nice but unnecessary. Do you agree with me? Please post comments. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How to manually mod Fallout: New Vegas

So you want to learn how to mod Fallout: New Vegas manually? That's what I thought. Be aware that this is for STEAM!!!! This is a steam guide to mod fallout new vegas. First, go to Computer/Local Disc(C:)/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/fallout new vegas/data. Once you're there, you need to download the mod you want to have (which you can find lots of here), and then extract it. In order to extract it you will need a file archiver like 7zip. 7zip is free and very easy to use. Here is the link. Don't worry it is very safe and reliable. Extract your mod somewhere easy to access (like your desktop) and then, before anything else, read the readme file that mods almost always come with. It is very important you do this. Now, open up whatever folder that the mod comes with that you extracted that has the data in it. Highlight and cut the texture and sounds folder, then move everything into the data folder for the game. Now paste the texture and sound folder. When it asks you to overwrite or replace, click yes to all. Now take the esp or esm or both if it came with both, and move them to the data folder as well. Launch New Vegas, click data files on the launcher, check the esp/esm/both, and launch the game. Your done. 

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Review

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed two is a moderately long game. It has its ups, but so, so many downs. I will start with what's good about it. First off, I really enjoy the force powers that you learn; such as the mind control one that allows you to turn the enemy against each other. I also enjoy the environments. They are very colorful and large with lots of detail, but also kind of empty on some planets and missions. Another thing I enjoyed was the dual lightsabers with customizable colors and upgrades. They added a feeling of power and expertise. And now onto the bad parts of the game. First of all, when I first got it, it was very slow. There was nothing set that my computer couldn't handle but for some reason it was like watching a game slow motion. I had to mess with settings for hours before it worked almost "Magically." Another terrible thing about the game was the story. The story was completely awful. You are a clone of the original Starkiller that is still flawed. You are too be disposed of- until they get the clone they are looking for. You still have memories of Juno from the first game, and you are going completely crazy about it in the beginning. I personally hated the idea of being a clone that wasn't a clone trooper. You are to be killed, but instead you break out, and escape the planet that you are trapped on (Kamino). From there on the missions felt very pointless and rushed, with you just fighting lots of enemies and the occasional boss fight. The whole story that had a lot of potential was washed away with a very rushed, very confusing, very DULL story (if you can call it that). You are just killing lots of enemies and throwing stuff with the force until the final boss. The ending was by far the worst ending I have ever seen in video game history. It was complete crap. In this section I will not spoil it. Scroll down for the ending.


The ending for Star Wars: The force Unleashed II went a bit like this, You're fighting Darth Vader after stumbling into a very large cloning chamber that is trying to re-create Starkiller... but one that will do Vaders bidding. You don't like this (?) and begin fighting him. After you finish the fight with mentally retarded clones and Darth Vader, you are about to kill him, and save the galaxy all sorts of trouble, when the blind old man Rahm Kota runs in there and yells "No! We can take him prisoner!" Your character disagrees, but they don't go into an argument. The game ends with a wonderful staring contest between Starkiller and Rahm Kota. Then the credits roll.
All in all, I thought the game was very, very bad. The story was barely developed, the settings are bugged, it got repetitive, and it had the worst ending ever. Ever. I will rate this game 2/10. It had its good gameplay customization and okay fighting, but overall, the game just sucked. I got it for $5, and it wasn't even worth it. If you get this game, get it for $1. That's about all its worth. 


Monday, July 15, 2013

Steam summer sales are awsome

Today I just want to warn the general public that if you don't buy something in the Steam summer sale you are wasting money and you are an idiot. This is one of the best sales Steam has had in a long time. I can't believe the amount of things on sale.There were even a few items on sale from my wishlist including the kerbal space program and Kinetic Void.

Also Steam has expanded upon their trading cards. Previously they could only be obtained by playing certain games. Now you can get them by purchasing games during the summer sale. Personally I don't collect them. I just sell them on the Steam market. All I can say is thank you Steam.

How to Install Fallout New Vegas Mods

If you are not very tech savvy then you found the right advice. If you want to use mods I recommend using nexus mods. You can find them here. They have a large amount of mods available for multiple games including Bethesda games. To install the mods you should download their mod manager found here. It is very easy to set up and does the work for you. This is certainly not the only way to install mods, but I would say it is probably the easiest way. Happy modding!

Fallout 1 Remake

If you are a hardcore Fallout fan then i'm sure this caught your eye. It's actually a mod for New Vegas. The mod is currently in beta and can be found on nexusmods here. It is basically Fallout 1 in first person. This mod has made a lot of progress since it was started. It is fully voice acted and I think it has a lot of potential.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Half life 3 on the way?

Half life is one of my favorite game series. I'm sure the case is the same for many others. Valve did an amazing job with them. We have been waiting for years to the continuation of the cliffhanger ending of episode 2. There is a lot of story to work with. What happened to the combine? I'm sure there are at least some left on earth. What about the ship "Borealis"? If you think even farther back what about our HECU friend Adrian Shephard? There are many more questions, but we won't know until Half life 3 comes out. I don't see why the game won't come out. I hope this vaporware title ends well.

The 5 Best Video Game Series

There are many different video game series and some are better than others. Today I am going to show you the top 5 best video game series of all time.

1. Halo.
Halo is one of the most popular first person shooter's of the modern day. In each Halo game you fight the Covenant which are an extremely powerful alien race who's goal in all the Halo game's is to destroy humanity. In Halo 1,2,3 and 4 you play as master chief one of the last surviving spartan's and you protect earth and many other planets as well. In Halo 4 you fight the Covenant and the Promethean's, the Promethean's are the guardians of the forerunner's. In Halo Reach you play as Noble 6 and fight with a whole squad of spartan's. Halo Reach is basically a prologue to the Halo universe. Halo 3 ODST you fight with a squad of ODST's against the Covenant. Halo 3 ODST is almost like a free-roam game but you still have to complete the mission.

2. Gears of War.
The Gears of War games are extremely awesome and action packed. Gears of War is an epic battle to defend Sierra (the planet) from the monsters within. Unlike Halo in Gears of War the monsters come from underground. Gears of War is based in 3rd person and you can almost use anything as cover. Gears of War can be extremely difficult but that makes it even more awesome. In Gears of War you may think you are fighting a war to defend the planet, part of that is true but not all of it. You have already lost the war you are basically a resistance fighting to stay alive. The newest Gears of War, Judgement is a prologue to the the first, second and third game.

3. Resident Evil.
Resident Evil probably has the most well developed story of all the ones I am going to mention. Resident Evil started on some of the earliest consoles ever made. Resident Evil has more games than all the ones I am going to mention it has 6 main games and a few other ones like Resident Evil Revelations and Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City. Each Resident Evil can be scary and super awesome, you fight tons of different enemies like zombies, crazy people and some really huge frightening things. Resident Evil is in 3rd person and has a great team work factor. Resident Evil also has a few movies so check them out if you have the time.

4. Mass Effect
Mass Effect is based in 3rd person and has an epic story line. In Mass Effect you fight tons of huge monsters, little aliens and evil robots. Mass Effect can be extremely boring just like Deus Ex where you have half an hour conversations with people. Mass Effect almost has the exact same cover system as Gears of War which is really cool. One thing that's very interesting in Mass Effect is that if you own the whole trilogy your person's stats and things carry on from the first game to the second and from the second to the third. Mass Effect also has extremely good graphics and game play.

5. Dead Space.
Dead Space was also included in the top 5 scariest games but it also has such a great story that it deserves to be in the top 5 best video game series. So as you know Dead Space is extremely horrifying, gory, and action packed. In Dead Space you play as Isaac an engineer who always ends up having to fix things. In Dead Space 1 you are on a mining ship that is huge and filled with vents that the necromorphs jump out of and attack you. In Dead Space 2 you are in a space station filled with thousands of necromorphs, Dead Space 2 is so big that it takes up two discs. In Dead Space 3 you are on the planet where the artifact came from and it is extremely awesome because you are on a planet fighting the necromorphs, what's cooler than that.

I love all of these games and you could too so check them out if you have the time. Please leave comments and which series is your favorite. Thank You.

Are Xbox Live Indie Games Worth It

Xbox live indie games are a big part of the Xbox store. Almost every single indie game is only 80 Microsoft points or one dollar. Indie games are basically flash games just better and bigger ones that cost money. Most indie games are horrible but it's understandable because indie games are made by beginner video game creators. But not all indie games are that bad some like Zombie Estate and Total Miner Forge are actually pretty fun. There are different categories of the indie games such as the ones that rip off Minecraft, zombies, tower defense, aliens and Japanese anime porn if your that kind of pervert. Most of those categories have some good games out of them so don't think all indie games are bad. I don't recommend buying indie games unless you just want to try it because you have left over Microsoft points. If you do have a large amount of Microsoft points buy an arcade game or dlc instead of spending it all on indie games. Please leave comments on what you think of indie games.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Top 5 Best Free-Roam Games

Free-roam games are peoples favorite games because of the fact that you can do anything and go anywhere. Today I am going to show you some of the best free-roam games of all time.

1. Grand Theft Auto.

Grand Theft Auto is probably the most well-known and most liked free-roam game of all time, everybody that plays can't get enough. Grand Theft Auto's extremely large world and modern day atmosphere make you feel like your in New York City. The campaign is rarely ever played so I say if your going to get this game get it for the fun who cares about the campaign. Grand Theft Auto is extremely violent and sexual so be at the right age if you are going to play this game. Grand Theft Auto also has some awesome Easter eggs so be on the look out for them.

2. Saints Row.
Saints Row is one of the messed up games I have ever played but it is extremely fun and extremely stupid. Saints Row has an interesting story that makes little sense but once again who cares about the story its a free-roam game for crying out loud. Saints Row has some cool cheats such as the one where you can turn all civilians into zombies. Saints Row is extremely easy but same as Grand Theft Auto it is extremely violent and can be extremely sexual. My favorite thing about the game though is how you can drive planes, helicopters and awesome sports cars.
3. Just Cause.
Just Cause 2 has great graphics and grand explosions. Just Cause 2 is extremely good because you can go anywhere and do anything. In Just Cause 2 it is extremely easy and fun. Just Cause 2's story is actually good and if I where you I'd do it just to unlock more stuff. Just Cause 2 is also very long and very fast paced. In Just Cause you can drive almost everything boats, cars, helicopters, and huge airplanes. Why did I blow up that tank, Just Cause I want 2.
4. Red Dead Redemption.
Red Dead Redemption is awesome, it is a western based free-roaming game. Your vehicles are horses and your enemies are bandits and baddies. In the game your a good guy so don't kill civilians unless you want the police coming after you. The Quests are actually good and increase the map space and the size of your wallet. Quests also increase the amount of fame and glory you have. The games free-roam feature is great because you can do anything you want such as get drunk, tie people to train tracks and play with the cattle. I recommend getting this game if your a fan of the west and you like free-roam games. Red Dead Redemption also supports Red Undead Redemption which is a zombie add-on.
5. Red Faction Guerilla.
Personally Red Faction Guerilla is my favorite out of all of those because the game is full destruction there is almost nothing you can't tear down to the ground. The games story is spectacular and you can get in massive battles. You can only drive cars no planes or helicopters but that's ok because it's still great. The games enemies can be hard and easy at certain times to fight. Upgrades and new weapons can be purchased not with money but with salvage acquired from destroyed buildings. The game has a huge map that is based on Mars.
If you like free-roam games or never played free-roam games try out some of these I think you will like them. Please post comments and what your favorite game is out of all those.

Medal of Garbage

Over the past couple days I was playing Medal of Honor Warfighter. My experience with the game was a little bit depressing. Medal of Honor Warfighter has a glitch in about every mission you  play. The game is overly repetitive, can be extremely boring, and the graphics are horrible. I can't believe that the graphics are that bad, even in the cut scenes they are horrible. Medal of Honor also copied a ton of games it copied Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 the most. The story try's to be depressing and deep but it makes me laugh. I do like how the game continues after Medal of Honor 2010 with the same characters and introduces some new ones. The Multiplayer is the worst because I found one person in the whole world playing it (unbelievable). The game had the potential to be great but it wasn't. I don't recommend getting this game until its about 5 dollars.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Halo on Xbox 1

The reclaimer series started with Halo 4, however, it may not end with Halo 6. Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft Game Studios, told gamespot that Halo on Xbox 1 is not going to be a trilogy, but will be more of a saga. This could mean a lot for the Halo series. We don't even know if the next Halo game is going to be Halo 5. That would make sense why they are simply calling it Halo on Xbox 1. I don't know about you, but I am very excited about this. The next game is expected to come out in 2014.

Friday, July 5, 2013

5 of the Most Realistic Games Ever

 1. The Ghost Recon Series.
Usually all Tom Clancy games are pretty realistic but that doesn't stop them from being good. In the Ghost Recon games you can command highly trained soldiers in each mission, each mission is always filled with a fair amount of action, stealth and strategy. The Graphics of the newest Ghost Recon are spectacular not as much for the other ones though but that doesn't stop them from being good. Each Ghost Recon normally has the use of vehicles and every time you die you switch to a new person in your squad. I believe the Ghost Recon series is a little harder to play on the PC because of the fact that almost every key does something and its hard to figure things out. Today the older Ghost Recon games are really cheap so look into them if you have the time.

2. The Rainbow Six Series.
The Rainbow Six games are also made by Tom Clancy so its bullet to the foot and your dead. Unlike in Ghost Recon where you command soldiers in the Rainbow Six games you command FBI and anti-terrorist units which is just as challenging and just as awesome. Rainbow Six has many more games than Ghost Recon but some are better than others. The graphics in most of them except for the two Rainbow Six Vegas games are horrible but that doesn't stop them from being good. Mostly all Rainbow Six games are on the older consoles (some are good some are bad). Just like with Ghost Recon try to avoid getting them on the computer they're just as complicated. Rainbow Six games are all very cheap. Hopefully Rainbow Six Patriots comes out soon we need a new Rainbow Six game.

3. Arma 2.
Arma 2 is one of the most well known games of the century but the reason its well known is for its unbelievable realism. Its almost like you are really out on the field of battle with bullets flying past your head then one hits you in the knee cap and you bleed out in the grass while your yelling for a medic to take you to cover. Arma 2 has some of the greatest battle simulations of all time. In Arma 2 you get to use vehicles and command your squad as well. Be aware every single key on the keyboard does something (I'm serious). Arma 2 also supports one of the most awesome mods ever and that's Day Z, Day Z is an awesome game where you fight zombies and other players while trying to stay alive.

4. Counter Strike Games.
Today you can barely find anyone playing the original or Counter Strike Source so the only thing your fighting are bots. You may think bots are stupid and so easy to kill, well your life is going to change when you  play Counter Strike Source those bots are the most intelligent bots I have ever seen. They think just like a human they camp, run around with shotguns killing everything but the bad thing is every shot they take is a head shot and you die instantly. The only reason why I bought Counter Strike was to make Garry's mod run better and it does. On the newest Counter Strike is where you can find people so get that one if your looking to buy a Counter Strike game any time soon. Although Counter Strike is mostly multiplayer with a wide range of game modes most people like it.

5. Deus Ex Human Revolution
You may not think this game is hard but that's probably because you have never played it. Deus Ex on easy is still really hard. Deus Ex is a very strategic game the choices you make change the way the game is and the way you fight increases or decreases your chances of death. Deus Ex has a really interesting story but can get annoying at times such as where you have multiple objectives at once and when you get there all you have to do is interview someone and they talk for half an hour then give you another objective. Deus Ex can be extremely boring but once you get to the action its really good. Check out Deus Ex its pretty cheap right now.

So those are some of the most realistic games I have ever played and I highly recommend getting a couple because they're good.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Is Battlefield 3 the Best First Person Shooter Ever

Many would disagree with me about the title but a lot would agree because there are so many reasons to love Battlefield 3. Battlefield 3 has the best multiplayer I have ever played, Its not repetitive its not easy nor hard. Battlefield 3 has vehicles, huge maps and some of the best graphics I have ever seen. Battlefield 3 has an okay campaign (its not bad or good). Battlefield 3 has great customization of weapons and your own classes. No other first person shooter I have ever played can match Battlefield 3's  multiplayer. Battlefield 3's  multiplayer is so much bigger, there's up to 32 people in each match. There are also a wide range of game modes to choose from. Battlefield 3's multiplayer has constant action and you always have to communicate with other players to work as a good team. Battlefield 3 is a great game to play with friends because you can do multiplayer and co-op together. In all Battlefield 3's multiplayer is the best of all first person shooters multiplayer (sorry Call of Duty but you can't beat Battlefield).
 Battlefield 3 also supports the best extra content with 5 dlc's that add 4 new maps, new vehicles and new weapons in about each one. The maps they add are all huge and amazing, some even add new game modes  that are all great. The new vehicles such as the 4-wheelers and motorcycles really change the gaming experience. Battlefield 3 also has shortcut packs that unlock all the weapons for the class of your choice. If your going to get Battlefield 3 now, get premium because that has all the map packs.

I think Battlefield 3 is the best first person shooter ever because of all those reasons. Do you agree with me please post comments. Thank you.

Top 5 Scariest Games of All Time

Scary games are awesome because of their extreme action and horrifying game play. Today I am going to show you 5 of the scariest games of all time and then we shall decide which one is the scariest. Be aware though these are not in order from scariest to less scary they are just in a random order. lets get started with Dead Space.
Dead Space has such a scary theme to it, these pterodactyl looking things turned everyone into these zombies with big long arms that are like spears. Almost every time you play the game you are always alone and a lot of the time its usually pretty dark. You can barely go five minutes without dead body's jumping up and attacking you or something jump out of a vent and attack you. Its horrifying theme and action packed fights make it a great game. There's also many boss battles and puzzles which are very fun but challenging. If your looking for a horrifying thriller this is your game. Now lets move onto Silent Hill.
Lets just say if your looking to get scared out of your mind and sleep with the lights on for a few days, the Silent Hill games are definitely for you. Silent Hill is one of the most famous scary games of all time it has so many videogames and it also has a couple movies. Silent Hill is on about every console with a different exclusive game for each one. It has some horrifying twists and turns where you can't tell whats real and what isn't. In Silent Hill 1 you do not get any weapons so your basically running from these things, in the second game is where you start getting weapons to defend yourself.
Metro Last Light has an amazing story and it is based off a book. The world basically destroyed itself and you live in the Metro's of Russia fighting Bandits, Nazi's, and radioactive monsters the game may not sound scary but trust me there will be times when you scream and cry. If your going to play the game you should also try reading the book just to learn some back-story. In Metro Last Light you start to venture outside the metro with a bunch of other people, it is a real struggle to survive because you get attacked by monsters and you also have to watch your air supply. If you like Russians and Monsters this is your game.
Amnesia The Dark Descent has some real scary monsters in it and some of the most horrifying game play. Amnesia is only on the PC. Amnesia has amazing graphics and the most amazing environment. Everything is interactive so you can hide but you can't run. If you want to play a hard horrifying game in the dead of night just for the fun of it, this is your game.
Slender is a very famous game because its on iPod and PC so a lot of people own it. Being lost in the forest with only a flashlight and you can only run away from this big tall guy in a suit while trying to find eight pages is extremely difficult. Many think its just this big guy in a suit, that's not scary at all but there wrong because turning around and seeing the big guy in a suit makes you wet yourself. There's another slender came called Slender The Arrival in the picture above. If your looking for a good cheap scary game this is for you.

In the end I recommend that you get some of these awesome games and tell me what you think please leave comments and what your favorite is out of all of those. Thank you.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Skyrim vs. Fallout 3

As all Skyrim and Fallout fans know is that both have spectacular graphics and an amazing story to them. Although I find that Fallout has a better story line than Skyrim I feel as if the player in Fallout gets more attached to the story than in Skyrim because doing the story in Fallout really seems to unlock more features such as meeting the enclave  Fallout’s story also seems to be a little bit longer than Skyrim’s the only problem is that once you beat the campaign in Fallout the games over(unless you have the broken steel dlc). Unlike in Skyrim where once you kill Alduin you can keep playing, doing side quests and other things. Fallout also has better expansion packs because there’s more of them and their usually pretty long they also allow the level cap to go higher, to about 30 which is still low but better than before. Fallout’s expansions also unlock new places, achievements, and new guns. Although I still like Skyrim better for some reason I find that Skyrim has more enemies, weapons, and quests also a much bigger world. Skyrim’s expansion packs unlock new weapons, places, and achievements same as Fallout the only problem is they are kind of short and there are less of them. Skyrim also has a much higher level cap, 80. Skyrim also has never ending quests and adventure because the people who made it want you to just keep on playing. Skyrim has better graphics than Fallout but you may say it’s because Fallout is older which is true but I still see newer games after Skyrim that have worse graphics than it. Whenever I argue with people about which one is better I always choose Skyrim because of its addictive and highly graphic game play but the people who like Fallout always say it’s basically Skyrim with guns but supposedly so is Farcry 3 so that argument does not really work with me. Fallout is also really bloody almost overly bloody that it does not make sense such as I shoot a guy in the arm and his head explodes it doesn't really make any sense. Skyrim’s blood level can be high at certain times such as beheading someone with an ax but that actually makes sense. So overall I think Skyrim is better but just by a little bit if you disagree with me please tell me your opinion or suggestions for another comparison. Thank you.

Halo 4 vs. Call of Duty Black Ops 2

Black Ops 2 and the rest of the Call of Duty games are all well known for the multiplayer although I find their multiplayer to be quite repetitive it’s the same thing over and over you kill a guy then die that’s what it mostly is. All game modes are alike there’s not really a difference between hardcore and regular except you die faster. Whenever I play Call of Duty I find it the same every time because I shoot a guy million times and he doesn't die than he shoots me twice and I die instantly, it could be lack of skill but I strongly disagree with that. Although I do like Call of Duty’s large arsenal of weapons I feel as if that changes my opinion about the game. I believe that Call of Duty is played by people who are not gamers but 7 and 18 year old people who do not deserve the title “Gamer.” With Halo’s multiplayer it’s a much different story usually the maps are a tiny bit smaller but that does not change the game play at all sometimes it depends which game modes you are playing. Halo also offers vehicles in certain game modes which makes it more fun but challenging sometimes, which Call of Duty clearly lacks. Although Halo’s multiplayer can be repetitive it is not as much as Call of Duty’s. Halo’s weapon arsenal is smaller. Forge is also a game changer because there’s nothing better than playing with your friends on your map. Black Ops 2’s campaign is a little strange because zooming years in the future from the first game then trying to cover it up with missions of the past is pathetic I believe it does not have much of a connection with the first game at all making it mediocre. Halo 4’s campaign had a spectacular story picking up right after the third game, which is pretty awesome how it stays connected with the third one. Halo 4’s campaign has constant action and introduces new enemies never seen in the halo universe making it very interesting. I believe that Halo wins this battle very slightly please post comments and who you think should have won. Thank you.

Nintendo: A Dying Company

Nintendo: A Dying Company should be the next name of one of their videogames it would probably sell better than all the stuff they have now. Nintendo started dying out close to the end of the original Wii because  that is when Wii overestimated itself by trying to run newer and more advanced games such as Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 which had some of the most horrible graphics i have ever seen. After the Wii did that it tried putting games on itself that came out after the new Wii such as Call of Duty Black Ops 2. But then Nintendo pushed it even further by releasing the Wii U, trying to play that thing with that gigantic controller is so difficult. The Wii U only has a couple exclusives that include Zombi U and a couple of other games. Most of the time whenever my friends say there getting a Wii U i think its a joke and it always is. Nintendo should also stop releasing mobile gaming devices such as the 3ds because the PS vista is so much better. So if your not a gamer and your looking to play crappy games with your family go buy the Wii U. But if your a real game with your PC, Xbox, or PlayStation because trust me you don't want that Wii U. Nintendo should have stopped making stuff right after the regular Wii. Tell me what you think about Nintendo or leave a comment. Thanks.

Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord

Yep you heard right. It's going to be a direct sequel to Warband. Very little is known about the game yet. We do know that they are adding multiplayer campaigns. They will be like singleplayer campaign, but with up to 4 people coop or otherwise. Here is what Taleworlds said "many exciting and highly requested new features" and "up-close and personal medieval combat on a huge scale, bigger, bloodier and more intense than ever before". Obviously the graphics will be better too. It is also known that Taleworlds is adding features from mods for Warband like the diplomacy mod. Here is the trailer for the game. I don't know about you, but I think it sounds awesome.

How to help make computer games lag less

If you don't have a top notch gaming rig, but like to play computer games, than I am sure that you have experienced lag. There are 2 types of lag, network lag and the system lag. Today I am talking about system lag. Keep in mind that these solutions are not going to eliminate lag. They will make a difference though.

1. The first thing to do is download gamebooster by IObit. What it does is closes all programs not related to the game. For a lot of games that can significantly improve performance. You can download it here.

2. This one might seem kind of obvious, but it helps. You should turn down the settings of games. This helps a lot with games that require a lot of graphical power. The game won't look as good, but its bettter than the game lagging.

3. Check for maleware and viruses. You might not even suspect that you have one. Even if you have the best computer in the world a virus could have your computer lagging. Most of the time this is fixable though. You should try AVG antivirus. You can get it here.

4. Sometimes your computer can be slow if you have a lot of garbage on your hard drive. One thing you should do is download ccleaner. What it does is gets rid of crap that's simply not needed like tempory Internet files or what's left in the recycling bin. Don't worry about it deleting anything important because you chose exactly what to clean. You can get it 

5. I leave this one last because I don't really like it. Have you ever wondered if all the little details on windows ever affected performance? By details I mean like icon outlines, clear looking text, and other small things like that. They do affect your system negatively. They just make the computer look better. To disable them go to your control panel, click on system and security, click on system, go to advanced system settings, click on performance settings, then select adjust for best performance. At first you will think wow my computer looks like crap, but you will get used to it.

All of these methods combined will make a difference. Like I said they are not miracles for most people, if your computer is not meant for gaming it just wont be optimal, but if you really like to play games on a low budget, then these are pretty good ways to increase performance for your games.

Is it Worth it Getting All the Shogun 2 Total War Add-ons

Yes I think it is because of all the amazing extra things they add. But if your just going to get one good add-on get Fall of the Samurai because it adds American units (they look like civil war soldiers), A bunch of new clans, a whole new campaign and a ton of other things. But if your looking for a cheap good add-on get Rise of the Samurai that adds all the things I just mentioned except for the American units. About every single clan pack contains new units. The blood pack is really cool but can be extremely gory so if your not a fan of decapitation don't get it. All add-ons may be expensive together but I think its worth it because all of them together add so much to your game. Be aware though steam has sales a lot so be on the look out for those add-ons. If you want just a couple clans get the Otomo or Ikko Ikko. If you want some new units get the Saints and Heroes unit pack or the Dragon War pack. If you love the Total War games and can't get enough of them get all the add-ons. If you want some new stuff just get 1 or 2 add-ons. Do you think people should get all the add-ons if so please leave a comment. Thanks.

Why is Minecraft so Popular

One of the main reasons why Minecraft is so popular is because they have it on Xbox, PC and any touch screen mobile device. Mojang has so much money because there game appeals to all ages. The idea of building your own super awesome mansion is then protecting it from monsters sounds so fun. Another reason why its so popular is because of the horrible it makes much easier to create cool things on. Another reason is because of the never ending adventure, there's always new places to explore such as caves, the nether, and even the surface of the world. Minecraft is also great because it has no background story about the abandoned mineshafts, which keeps you exploring them never really thinking about that. You can also travel to the End where you can fight the Enderdragon and once you kill him you get tons of XP and then you travel back to the real world. So many people play Minecraft from all over the world because of its constancy of announcing new updates and then having them come out a couple months later, such as the new horse update. Each announcement keeps people the game more just so they can be there as soon as the update is released. Minecraft on all the hand-held devices I think is pretty popular and it is because you have Minecraft on the go. Minecraft Xbox 360 edition is very popular because its on Xbox and a lot of people have an Xbox. Minecraft on the PC is the most popular because of the fact that it was the first Minecraft and it is the most updated. Tell me what you think of Minecraft and leave comments. Thanks.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Realism of Rome 2 Total War

Rome 2 Total War is going to be one of the biggest and most awesome new games for the computer. The graphics have already amazed people. There are small amounts of gameplay and screenshots but each one makes me want this game even more. If you are a Total War fan I highly recommend buying this. The Historical battles look spectacular I can't wait to see what the actual campaign and custom battles look like. I love the way you can land your boats on the beach of a city and charge into battle on the walls of Carthage. In the picture above it almost looks like you can command your soldiers in parades after a long military campaign (wouldn't that be something). There's one thing I can't wait to see the most and that's the campaign map.
The campaign map looks beautiful compared to all the other games campaigns. In this picture you can actually see almost each and every building inside each city. Even the way the tree's and the mountains look is amazing. Even the overhead look of the armies, spy's, assassin's and diplomats look amazing. If you look in the bottom right corner you can see the main map of Europe it almost looks like you can advance farther into Africa and Russia. Even the ocean water looks great.
If your going to buy this game I highly recommend buying it on steam because you get Team Fortress 2 items and the Greek States pack which look awesome. Tell me what you think about the game or what your favorite total war is. Thank you.

Empire Total War vs. Napoleon Total War

These two total war games do not have many differences but they can still be easily compared. Empire and Napoleon both have different campaigns other than the main one. Empire offers The Road to Independence campaign where you fight through the battles of the earliest arrivals on the Americas later on you play as the 13 colonies and fight some of the battles of the revolutionary war, depending on the choices you make. You can also play the Warpath campaign which  allows you to play as the different Native Americans. In Napoleon Total War you can go through all the different campaigns he went through such as the Italy, Europe and Egypt. There's also a few others such as the Peninsula campaign. There are no historical battles in Empire but you can play Napoleons battles in Napoleon Total War which are kind of like the historical battles. Empire Total War has something that Napoleon lacks and that is freedom, freedom to do what ever you want. Freedom in Empire allows you to conquer India, all of  America and all of Europe. In Napoleon you can only take over Europe, a small bit of Egypt and a tiny bit of a peninsula. Both have almost the same graphics, but I find that Napoleons graphics are just a little bit better. Both games support extra content such as new units and new campaigns. If you are going to buy both get the gold pack you get most of the extra content. I think Empire wins this battle. Please post comments and suggestions for what we should compare next.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Where's The History

As most of us know our gaming universe has changed. Most videogame company's have switched to futuristic or current day themes. I love games based further back in time. Today I am going to tell you about videogames based on the history of our world starting with the Romans.
Some of the greatest videogames of all time were based in the Roman era. A few of the videogames that were based in Rome or included Rome were Grand Ages of Rome, Rome Total War, and Darkest of Days. There are many others but those are some that I like the most. Some new roman themed games are entering the gaming world on Xbox One and PC. Those games include Rome 2 Total War (which I am most excited about) and RYSE son of Rome. Both look like they have incredible graphics and I will most definitely buy each one as soon as they come out. Now lets continue on to the Medieval times.

Many more videogames were based in the Medieval times than the Roman era. Medieval videogames also contain some of my all time favorites such as Medieval 2 Total War, Mount and Blade Warband and Chivalry Medieval Warfare. I predict that after Rome 2 Total War there will be a Medieval 3 which I am looking forward to. Medieval videogames really showed us the awesomeness of having massive battles with a sword in your hand. Now let us continue on to the creation of better ranged weapons which brought on the games based on the American Revolution.

There are not many games I know of that are based on the revolutionary war but some of the most recent ones are Assassins Creed 3 and the Road to Independence campaign in Empire Total War. The main weapon used in the revolutionary war were muskets so in each game your probably using a sword or musket. Muskets and early rifles became more popular in the Civil War.

Unfortunately I found that most civil war games were horrible except for one, and that is Darkest of Days. Darkest of Days contains an awesome couple of civil war missions. A couple other civil war games are Civil War Secret Missions and Civil War A Nation Divided. Both those games are made by History Channel and after playing those games all I have to say is, "History Channel stop making videogames." Let's carry on to the first world war.

 There are barely any WW1 videogames at all, although most of them end up being very good, such as the Darkest of Days WW1 missions. I think WW1 games should be more common because there are barely any of them and I know a big crowd of people that would buy them as soon as they came out. Also on the Steam greenlight games check out Verdun its a WW1 first person shooter and I would love to see it come up for sale. Now lets move on to the second world war.
WW2 videogames started coming out on PlayStation 1 and 2, the GameCube and computer. These were some of the first fps games to ever come out. Some old classics contain Call of Duty 1, 2, Big red one and 3. Some others were Battlefield 1942 and the Medal of Honor games all were fantastic and some of the best games ever. But it is sad because you rarely see anymore new WW2 videogames coming out. Most WW2 games are old but some are on the newer consoles so give them a try.

Overall I think that games based in the past continue to be of interest to video gamers, and that more such games should be produced in the future. Do you agree with me? Please post comments and what your favorite historical era for video games is. Thank you.