Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Skyrim vs. Fallout 3

As all Skyrim and Fallout fans know is that both have spectacular graphics and an amazing story to them. Although I find that Fallout has a better story line than Skyrim I feel as if the player in Fallout gets more attached to the story than in Skyrim because doing the story in Fallout really seems to unlock more features such as meeting the enclave  Fallout’s story also seems to be a little bit longer than Skyrim’s the only problem is that once you beat the campaign in Fallout the games over(unless you have the broken steel dlc). Unlike in Skyrim where once you kill Alduin you can keep playing, doing side quests and other things. Fallout also has better expansion packs because there’s more of them and their usually pretty long they also allow the level cap to go higher, to about 30 which is still low but better than before. Fallout’s expansions also unlock new places, achievements, and new guns. Although I still like Skyrim better for some reason I find that Skyrim has more enemies, weapons, and quests also a much bigger world. Skyrim’s expansion packs unlock new weapons, places, and achievements same as Fallout the only problem is they are kind of short and there are less of them. Skyrim also has a much higher level cap, 80. Skyrim also has never ending quests and adventure because the people who made it want you to just keep on playing. Skyrim has better graphics than Fallout but you may say it’s because Fallout is older which is true but I still see newer games after Skyrim that have worse graphics than it. Whenever I argue with people about which one is better I always choose Skyrim because of its addictive and highly graphic game play but the people who like Fallout always say it’s basically Skyrim with guns but supposedly so is Farcry 3 so that argument does not really work with me. Fallout is also really bloody almost overly bloody that it does not make sense such as I shoot a guy in the arm and his head explodes it doesn't really make any sense. Skyrim’s blood level can be high at certain times such as beheading someone with an ax but that actually makes sense. So overall I think Skyrim is better but just by a little bit if you disagree with me please tell me your opinion or suggestions for another comparison. Thank you.

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