Monday, July 1, 2013

Halo vs. Half-Life

Halo and Half-Life are two very similar games for instance the combine are like the covenant, the zombies are like the flood and the rebels are your marines so as you can see they're almost like the same games. The only difference is in Halo you have an organized army but in Half-Life your just a big mess of rebels fighting to survive. You also have no air support or heavy weapons in Half-Life but I do like how you get support from other life such as the vortigaunts. Halo also offers more vehicles and weapons. Half-Life also lacks multiplayer but you can get them with mods. One big reason why Half-Life is great is because it supports one of the greatest games of all time, Garry's Mod. Halo also has produced about 6 games Half-Life does not have that many. One thing that's also great about Half-Life is that it is on almost every console and supports a ton of mods. Halo has a large range of enemies and vehicles. Half-Life's main enemies are just regular combine and then the zombies but that is still a lot of enemies. Half-Life does not really have any vehicles except for the airboat and Jeep. Both the story's are very well developed and the player can really get into it. I have to say I love both these games so once again its another tie. Please post comments and suggestions for other comparisons.

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