Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Team fortress 2 still popular?

In short yes it is, at least on the computer. If you want the long version here it is. I am going to list why this game is still popular.

Reason 1. For starters the game is now free to play as of June 23, 2011. Whats better than a free game?

Reason 2. Steam trading. That kept me interested.

Reason 3. Lots of items that can be obtained by random drops.

Reason 4. The game is easy to get used to and start playing.

Reason 5. The steam workshop has allowed the community to post maps and weapons for tf2.

Reason 6.  Team fortress is the master of class based games, so it must have some cool classes.

Reason 7. Teamwork. All of the classes must work together to win.

Reason 8. TONS of updates over time. Tf2 is still being updated today.

Reason 9. There are plenty of steam clans that host tf2 events regularly

Reason 10. This one is more personal, health packs are still relevant.

There are reasons why team fortress 2 is called the grandfather of team based shooters. These are just some of them. Even though the majority of the population on steam has moved on lots of people still play the game. If you ever want to play with me add me on steam, my name is Odstfromhell.  

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